Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kitchen Tip Tuesdays

Happy Cinco de Mayo! I don't cook with jalapenos too often, but I use them ocassionally and can't possibly use the whole container that I have to buy at my store. Luckily, jalapenos freeze very well, whole or diced. I just toss them in a freezer bag, and then I can take out as many or as few as I need the next time. You could also chop them and freeze them in smaller quantities - a little jalapeno goes a long way!

For more kitchen tips, visit Tammy's Recipes.


  1. Can you use frozen jalapeƱos in fresh salsa, or is the texture off?

  2. M,
    I've never made salsa (!) so I can't accurately say. However, I've made lots of things with frozen jalapenos and I've always been happy with the results. Thanks for stopping by!


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