Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kitchen Tip Tuesdays

How to Cut a Canteloupe

I really like canteloupe and we eat a lot of it each summer. I was always frustrated at the time it took to cut it up, until I found this method on about.com.

First, like cutting a pineapple, cut off the top and bottom so it will stand straight up on the cutting board.

Now, remove the rind by cutting in long strips along the outside of the canteloupe, from top to bottom.

After you've gone around the entire melon, you will want to turn it over and get the pieces off near the bottom that you couldn't get when you were slicing downward.

Finally, carefully remove any "green" or pieces of rind that you missed.

Next, cut the canteloupe in half crosswise, and scoop out all the seeds. If you're making melon balls, you would now use these two halves to do that. If you want slices or chunks, continue to the next step!

Cut each half in half; now you have four quarters.

Slice each quarter.

If you're serving slices, now you're done! If you want to, you can cut each slice into bite sized chunks.

I've found this way to be easy, and best of all, quick, with little waste! It works for me!

For more kitchen tips, visit Tammy's Recipes.


  1. I hadn't thought about peeling the cantaloupe before cutting it up! Usually I cut it into slices and then cut off the peel, then cut it into chunks. This seems WAY faster! Thanks for the tip.

  2. never have peeled before slicing either but will try it to see if it does make it easier for me


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