I'm joining the Countdown to 2012 over at
Finding Joy in my Kitchen, counting down the "best of" recipes on Cook with Sara each day til the New Year.
Today's feature is BREAD - which I take loosely to mean muffins, scones and quick breads in addition to yeast breads. I'm a carb lover (and am eating blueberry breakfast cake as I write this! - post on that coming soon!) so I had to do some serious narrowing down of all my bread posts in 2011.
Here are six of my favorites from 2011 - join me in getting your carb on!
Strawberry Scones
Beer Bread
Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
Strawberry Banana Muffins
Banana Scones
Lemon Ricotta Blackberry Muffins
Be sure to visit
Finding Joy in my Kitchen to get more great bread inspiration!
Yea!! I'm so happy to see your recap of the bread recipes from this year. Your muffins, as always, look wonderful. And, the beer bread might have to make an appearance at our house soon. Looks great.