Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kitchen Tip Tuesdays

I cut out a lot of recipes from magazines. I tape them onto recycled paper (one side has been printed on) and then slip them into page protectors and keep them in a three ring binder. When I am going to use a recipe, I take that page out of the binder and up to the kitchen.

I keep it in the page protector, which protects it from all the mess in the kitchen (like these carrots from making carrot cake!).

After I've made a recipe for the first time, I write a comment on it like "great" or "only ok" so I remember for the next time. Periodically, I go through and remove the recipes I haven't liked, or the ones I realize I will probably never make...

For more kitchen tips, visit Tammy's Recipes


  1. Good tip, I have several printed recipes that are so stained you can hardly read them, lol!

  2. I have mine in a 3 ring binder, but without the page protectors. Of course the recipes are getting all dirty, thanks for the tip, I should switch them.
